
The New Year brings with it the inevitable questions around career development and whether the time and opportunity is right for you to consider your next move. Ahead of any planned move, you may want to turn some attention towards updating your LinkedIn profile as more employers are seeking insights into who you are and what you can bring to them well before they invite you in for an interview.

Not on LinkedIn yet? It’s not for everyone, but if you are serious about managing your career reputation online, developing professional networks and advancing your career prospects then LinkedIn can help you with keeping your finger on the pulse. It’s free to join and by spending an hour developing a profile, it’s well worth it.

So now that you have a profile up and running, that’s it right? Not quite. You do need to work it just like you would by attending any other networking event by making purposeful contacts, thoughtful commentary on topics, and connections.

With that in mind, here are a few pointers to see you on your way.

1. You wouldn’t introduce yourself to prospective employers with a concealed identity and the same is true with your LinkedIn profile. Use a professional photo. You’re more likely to be found, and by putting a face to a name it enhances credibility and promotes trust.

2 Always accept an invitation request to connect with a recruitment consultant. You just never know when they’ll reach out to you with a great job opportunity or when you’ll need their help in securing employment.

3 Get noticed – you’ll be one of 3.5+ million Australians on LinkedIn, so ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date, that your relevant work skills are listed and aim for an ‘All-Star’ profile strength meaning you’re putting your best foot forward online.

4. Use LinkedIn to research key people at prospective employers, particularly if you have an interview lined up. You’ll want to know as much about them as they will about you.

5. LinkedIn is not Facebook, so keep updates and posts professional and save the temptation of notifying your network about matters that are purely personal and better suited to other social networks. With around ten minutes per day spent on LinkedIn reviewing your profile, joining interest groups purposefully and developing your network, you’re on your way to enhancing your next career opportunity.

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