
Trekking adventures have often been portrayed as an intensive and grittier form of travel, reserved for only the most intrepid and rugged explorer.

But increasingly, trekking has grown to be more mainstream, where almost any traveller looking for a little extra thrill or excitement can join in.

General manager of Adventure World Neil Rodgers said contemporary adventurers span a wide range of ages and abilities, with the newer, softer incarnation of yesterday’s craggy wanderers wanting more comfort and convenience.

“The majority of the trekking trips that we offer are soft and accessible; and I think that in most cases the average traveller is completely capable of doing it,” he said.

Accommodation choices have become more refined, too. At Machu Picchu, Adventure World’s trekkers can upgrade to a luxury option with deluxe sleeping camps, hot water showers and massages. Alternatively, they can explore the Lares or Salkantay trails and hike to boutique Peruvian mountain lodges each evening.

To help travel agents choose a trek that best suits their clients, Adventure World provides a travel scale which indicates the level of fitness required on each trip, ranging from ‘leisurely’ to ‘challenging.’

Rodgers said independent soft adventure trips with classic sightseeing were core product at Adventure World and ensured clients discovered a destination in a more energetic and vibrant way.

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